Design: Matali Crasset
A rich platform inviting to “do nothing”: the armrests are disappearing and give space to a hollow place that allows the arms to set down completely. Relaxed, almost asleep. This form holds the arms with the purpose of soaking them in opposition to the armchair where the arms are laying over. A wide armchair, generous that holds as footprints of comfort. Relax the body for better thoughts and dreams… Modular armchair with structure in polyethylene rotationally molded and elastic bands. Monobloc seat and back in molded polyurethane foam. The final covering can be realized in all the fabrics of our range while the holes in the seat and back are made with a stretch fabric thermoformed with polyethylene.
Where to buy?
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Brochure : Download here
Gross prices starting from: € 1.370
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